Friday, October 31, 2008

Response to Others Comments

Unit 9 Reading Resonse

Intro to Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • how are XML & HTML different? I see that XML is not a "redefined set of tags" , so is XML pure code?
  • I don't understand what a compound document is
  • So XML doesn't "make" info, it just "reads" it and translates it across the board?
  • what is the difference between language and code?
  • I don't understand what XML is or what it does.

A Survey of XML Standards and XML Schema Tutorial

I do not understand XML at all. in the first article, Intro to Extensible Markup Language, I didn't understand what it was, but I felt like I was on the cusp of doing so. But with the second two readings, I was at a complete loss. I don't understand how its different to HTML. I'm just lost in general as to what exactly it is and what it does.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 8 Muddiest Point

  • How are CSS commands different than HTML code? It seems like they perform the same function.
  • Is it possible for assignment #6, our final assignment, to be due later since we have no other assignments after it?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignment5: Koha

After attempting from three different pc's over a 5 day period, I was unable to import fully my final two records. I repeatedly received the message that the page was not able to be displayed when I hit the "Add Bibliographic Record and go to items".

Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 8 Reading Responses

HTML tutorial
  • This was really neat! When I first saw the initial web page for it, I was intimidated, but once I tried the first example, I became excited at the thought that this is something I can do!
  • It's interesting that a few dozen words/symbols can create a brand new page.
  • The tutorial was comprehensive, I feel like it provided the tools to create a page for someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
  • Why for an abbreviation or acronym title wouldn't you just type in the actual acronym or abbreviation rather than "coding" it in?
WebMonkey HTML cheat sheet
  • I wouldn't use this, I'd refer back to the tutorial for help. I liked the examples that it provided.
  • I'm not comfortable with the page creating process to use this cheat sheet.

CSS Tutorial

  • would've liked more visual examples for CSS, like the HTML tutorial had
  • I don't understand how it's different than HTML, it seems like an add on to me.

Week 7 Muddiest Point

  • slide 22: what happened Jan 2007 to the Internet Domain Survey Host Count?
  • I'm surprised some European countries and Australia havae/show significantly less Internet usage; why is that? A population difference?
  • How much involvement does the government have with the World Wide Web Consotrium and Internet2?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Responses to Others Comments

Week 7 Reading Responses

How Internet Infrastructure Works
  • If every machine has a unique identifying number, why can't people who commit crimes on/through the internet NOT be found?
  • DNS - so it's a database that assists the internet, not an actual part of the internet? That it was called a DNS server and a distributed database confuses me. Is it a part of the internet or a machine that serves it?

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems
  • The article says that creating a completely new ILS is unrealistic, but I'm not convinced that it is. Couldn't a prototype be built and tested in a test enviroment so as not to disable an active libraries system? Or just one section of a libraries inventory be phased into the new system so as to minimize potential disruptions? I suppose though if it's a financial issue, than I could be convinced that it's unrealistic.

Muddiest Point Week 6

  • What's a flash card?
  • Okay, so we just got a laptop and were told we need a router for it to be wireless, what packet(s) is it routing in order for the laptop to be wireless?
  • I'm not to clear on what a packet is.